Curriculum 2024/25



Related books/songs

Activity Ideas


Jan Week 1


Happy new year

Winter songs CD

New Year activities

What to wear in the winter

Watching ice melt

Decorate mugs for hot chocolate

Jan Week 2



William’s Winter Wish (Sue’s book)

Frozen balloon

– watch it melt, paint it, touch it

Blue and white paint on tin foil

Stamp a snowman with a potato masher

Cornflour with water and glitter ‘gloop’

Jan Week 3


Over and Under the snow

That’s not my snowman

One Snowy Night

What to wear in the winter

Cut out snowflakes

Bobble hats and mittens

Snow sports

Handprint polar bears

Igloos, icicles, penguins

Snow in a tray

Jan Week 4


dinosaur books


Learn names

Move like a dinosaur

Puzzles, colouring pictures

Build a dinosaur junk modelling

Small world dinosaur play

Feb Week 1

In and out


Hokey cokey

Where’s Spot?

Hansel and Gretel



In and out of the tent

In and out of the shape boxes –

Shape sorting games

In or out game

Hula hoops

Put it in, take it out

Ball games

Lift the flap books

Mouse in a matchbox

Leaving a trail

Feb Week 2

Valentines Day

Dots, lines and wiggles


Shake, shake, shake your wiggles out

Picture books – spotting dots

Princess Mirror Belle and the Dragon Pox (Sue’s book)


Hearts, love, making cards

Hopscotch on dots – colour recognition

Relay activities inc. tunnel

Join the dots pictures

Finger painting, painting with cotton buds –

Heart painting, sewing

Ribbons and scarves

Wiggle dance

Drawing wiggly lines

Pencil control wiggle worksheets

Feb Week 3

Up and Down, Forwards and Backwards, Side to Side

Dig dig digging

Hokey Cokey

Ring o Roses


Hansel and Gretel

As tall as a house..

Grand old duke of york

Shake up high, shake down low..


Cars and trains

– painting with the wheels, rolling down ramps

Relay – racing forwards and backwards

Stepping like crabs, moving side to side,

dance routine

Feet on the tape to make a tunnel

jumping side to side

Skipping rope


Stretching and shrinking

Feb Week 4


Time, clocks, days of the week

Song - There are 7 days in the week

Hickory Dickory Dock

What time is it?

Telling the Time with Winnie the Pooh (Sue’s book)

Tick tock rhythms on the wood blocks

Counting to 12

March Week 1

Vets and Doctors, Nurses, Carers

Bear Feels Sick (Sue’s book)

I Want to be a Vet (Sue’s book)

Looking after others

How can we make people feel better?

Set up doctors

Caring for sick toys

Dog to the vet worksheet

Footprints in playdough

Role play vets –

clipping toenails, giving medicine,

removing splinters, bandaging

March Week 2

Community Workers – rubbish collectors, street cleaners, police officers, firefighters, etc.


Vehicle puzzles

Putting the rubbish in the truck

Police officer role play


March Week 3

Shopping and food

Shopping list game

Crazy Chefs game


Five currant buns

Llama llama mad at mama


*Also start on Easter craft


Set up a supermarket role play area

Pretend bakery

Children help prepare snack 

- small groups go and buy the fruit

Postman Pat

Growing vegetable soup


March Week 4


(30/31 March 2024)

Best Busy Year Ever


The Bunny who found Easter

Easter craft

Paint blossom onto tree outline with cotton bud

Bunnies, chicks, eggs

Easter egg hunt

Colours and pattern making

April Week 1

Spring, baby animals

Season picture books

Baby animals


  The Ugly Duckling


What to wear in Spring

Paint/stick tissue paper for bare trees,

then trees with flowers and leaves

April Week 2

Spring, baby animals


Eid and Ramadan


Best Busy Year Ever

Animal out of the egg art

Life cycles

Eggs / live young

April Week 3


Hey Mr Weatherman

It’s raining, it’s pouring

You are my sunshine

Rainbow song

Peppa Pig’s rainbow song


Make a daily weather chart


How rainbows are made

Weather change activities


April Week 4

Spring holiday


Spring season book

Bug books

Best busy day ever


Flower art

Daisy chains


May Week 1

Spring holiday


Very Hungry Caterpillar

The Very Busy Spider

Amazing Bugs

Mad about Minibeasts

Bug art

butterfly, caterpillar,

ladybird, grasshopper,

Spider webs


Caterpillars growing

Bug scavenger hun

Life cycle

May Week 2


Bugs 2

Very hungry caterpillar

What the ladybird heard



Ladybird painting and printing

Ladybird counting activity





May Week 3

Small animals

Mad about minibeasts

A colour of my own

3 blind mice

2 little dickie birds

Old lady who swallowed a fly

Learn about mice,

birds, squirrels,

lizards, hedgehogs etc.

May Week 4 (Pfingsten)

Big (zoo)  animals

Dear Zoo

Big animals, small animals (Sue`s song)

Never tickle a tiger

Big Panda and Small Panda

Marmalade the orange Panda

Rumble in the Jungle

We’re going on a bear hunt

I wrote to the zoo to send me a pet…


June Week 1

Ocean creatures



Secret Seahorse


Jellyfish paper plates

Gup melon at snacktime

Water play

Octonauts toys

June Week 2

Farm animals

Oh Dear

Spot on the Farm

Cock a doodle moo (Sue`s listening game)

Old MacDonald

Barnyard Dance

Big Red Barn

Maisy’s Farm

Hay bale printing

Create a Cogmo Farm

Small world farm animal play

Visit the chickens!




June Week 3

Graduation Party


Party decorations

Learn a dance

June Week 4


Pip and Posy and The New Friend

Beach activities

Making lemonade


July Week 1


Sharing a Shell, Julia Donaldson


Sand art

Sun art

Water play

Designing flip flops

July Week 2


Sun safety

Summer Wimmelbuch

What to wear in the sun

Suncream, t shirts, hats, drink water

Holiday/travel play